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About Carbexx

About Carbexx
The world is aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To achieve this, nature-based carbon capture on a global scale is mandatory. Carbexx has taken it to heart to support this goal by creating a platform to bring together all parties involved in reforestation.

As the market for natural carbon projects is rising exponentially, thousands of projects are being created that are seeking for investors. Carbexx provides a structured, open and free marketplace to match suitable partners and enables them to achieve their goals together.

For Project Developers
You’re halfway there to increase nature-based carbon capture – all that’s missing is the right investor to support your nature restauration projects. Your search will end on Carbexx – the professional and open platform to match suitable partners in the cause of sustainability.

Present yourself and your projects, attract the right investors, identify and connect with partners and peers, showcase news and progress of your projects and improve your credibility by showing past success stories – all in one place. You can measure yourself with the Carbexx ranking against investor expectations and compare yourself to other projects.

Use your full potential and make your project reality!

For Investors
Are you looking for a way to invest in reforestation projects and/or offset your emissions? On Carbexx you’ll find the right projects according to your needs. Carbexx structures and verifies natural carbon projects from all over the world to make them comparable. By rating the proposals Carbexx ensures high quality of your prospective investments. The open and free marketplace offers you detailed filter functions to find the right fit for you in a minute.

Get in contact with the people in charge of your chosen project, track the process on Carbexx and communicate your social and environmental responsibility! With Carbexx you’ll have everything in one place.

The Carbexx Team
Konstantin von Bar is a learned farmer and owner of a forest and farm in Northern Germany. After his agricultural apprenticeship he studied Economics at the university of Cologne and at the ESCP business school in France, UK and Germany.

After positions in industry and banking with assignments in Europe, Russia and the Middle East, he founded Bearfeldt GmbH and the Carbexx platform together with Nikolaus in 2020.

If he is not thinking about Carbexx and nature restauration, Konstantin most enjoys jazz and classical music and supports his local football club VFL Osnabrück through ups and downs.

Nikolaus von Elverfeldt is passionate for technology and any kind of innovations. He studied mechanical engineering at the ETH Zurich and completed a Master at the ESCP business school in France as well as a Master in Aeronautics at the Technical University of Berlin.

During his 9 years at Airbus Group in France and Germany he held responsibility for various projects in the fields of flight testing, new developments and industrialisation & digitalization.

Nikolaus loves good food, has a passion for any new technical gadgets (useful and useless) and has developed a new enthusiasm for southern Europe in the summertime.